
Terms of Service for The Hatch Method

Last Updated: 08/24/2023

1. Payment and Access: Full payment is required before accessing any course content or initiating coaching sessions. Some products offer payment plans split into monthly installments.

2. Cancellations and Refunds: Subscriptions can be canceled by emailing our support or by accessing your account. Navigate to 'active subscriptions' and select 'cancel'. Course payments are non-refundable, except in cases of fraud. Coaching services can be refunded if requested prior to the first coaching call.

3. User Content: Any content uploaded by users remains their property. However, users are expected to follow The Hatch Method community guidelines when sharing or uploading content.

4. Guarantees: We guarantee satisfaction. If users aren't seeing the results they desire, they're encouraged to reach out for group coaching and advice. Our team is dedicated to ensuring every user achieves their goals.

5. Access and Use: Each account is for single-user access. Account sharing is strictly prohibited. Copying, distributing, or sharing any content (images, videos, texts, etc.) from our website or courses without permission is forbidden.

6. Service Modifications: We reserve the right to modify, pause, or terminate our services without notice.

7. Dispute Resolution: By purchasing and accessing our content, users waive the right to participate in a class action lawsuit. Any disputes will be resolved based on our set policies.

8. Age Restrictions: Users must be 13 years or older to make a purchase.

9. Feedback: We appreciate user feedback and will consider all suggestions. However, we claim ownership of any feedback or suggestions given to us for potential future implementations.

10. Indemnification: Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless JJ Hatch LLC, its affiliates, and its employees from any claims, damages, or other expenses.

11. Data Storage: Our platform doesn't support user data storage beyond what's needed for account management.

12. Contact: For any queries, email us at [email protected] or mail us at PO Box 1044, American Fork, Utah 84003.